METRON LIVE 6-30-24: ‘THE POWER OF LETTING IT BE: Manifesting the Miraculous without Manipulation or Micromanagement’

METRON LIVE 6-30-24: ‘THE POWER OF LETTING IT BE: Manifesting the Miraculous without Manipulation or Micromanagement’


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Notes translated by AI

Comprehensive Work Training: Communication,
Counseling, Self-awareness, Micromanagement,
Onboarding, Persistence, Intentional Living,
Mindset, and Time Management
Date & Time: 2024-06-30 11:33:29
Location: Metron @ The Atlanta Theater
Speaker: Bishop Jim Swilley

The lecture emphasizes the importance of communication,
personal growth, and managing life’s challenges with resilience
and a positive attitude.

1. Gratitude to the podcast audience and various supporters.
2. Importance of communication and deep connections with
team members.
3. Manifesting the miraculous without manipulation and
avoiding micromanagement.
4. Personal accountability in one’s suffering and the impact of
reactions to events.
5. Challenges in the artistic process and learning to avoid
6. Changes in routine and habits with age.
7. Persistence and faith, illustrated through biblical references.
8. Knowing when to let go and move on from unproductive
9. Differentiating between neutrality and intentional surrender.
10. Maintaining a positive attitude and resilience in the face of
life’s challenges.
“It’s not what happened to you, it’s how you dealt with it, how
you thought about it, how it impacted you, how it triggered

“The things that happen to us are about 10% of our problems.
Our reactions to the things that happen to us comprise about
90% of the suffering.”
“You realize not everybody’s looking at you and they’re not
obsessing over what you look like.”
“The more I tried to fix it, the worse it got.”
“The truth is somewhere between those two polarities.”
“I can’t keep knocking on this door. I don’t even think it’s a door
anymore. I think it’s a wall, and I’m just knocking on the wall and
it’s not ever going to open.”
“Surrender is actually an intentional action.”
“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your
energy to what you can create.”– Roy T. Bennett
“Most things in your life are going to work out if you’ll just stop
freaking out about stuff.”
“When you disconnect from having opinions about everybody,
you just enjoy people so much more.”
“Stuff will happen if you don’t micromanage it.”
“You are the message. You’re not just the messenger, you’re
the message.”
“The universe doesn’t respond to what we want as much as it
responds to who we are.”– Dispenza
“I don’t fix my problems, I fix my thinking, and my thinking fixes
my problems.”
“Your problems are challenging you to a debate.”
“If you’ve had the same conversation with somebody several
times and it’s always ended up that same way, you’re the
sucker if you keep signing up for that same conversation.”
“Sometimes you have to say, there’s no mechanism for making
your point.”
“Feeling good about life, if it’s not more important than prayer,
it’s as important.”
“When you get strong, life starts treating you like you’re

“The joy of the Lord is your strength. You are strong in the

Chapters & Topics
1. Introduction and Gratitude
The speaker expresses gratitude to various individuals and
groups, including the podcast audience, Charles McFall,
Michelle, the tech team, Avery, BJ, and long-term supporters.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of these relationships
and the honor of having them in their life.
Gratitude to the podcast audience and Charles McFall.
Appreciation for Michelle and the tech team.
Acknowledgment of Avery, BJ, and long-term supporters.
2. Communication and Relationships
The speaker discusses the importance of communication and
the deep connection formed with interpreters and team
members. They highlight how these relationships enhance the
communication process.
Importance of communication.
Deep connection with interpreters and team members.
3. The Power of Letting It Be
The speaker introduces the topic of manifesting the
miraculous without manipulation. They emphasize the
importance of not micromanaging problems and how reactions
to events can exacerbate suffering.
Manifesting the miraculous without manipulation.
Importance of not micromanaging problems.
Reactions to events can exacerbate suffering.
4. Personal Accountability
The speaker admits that they have played a significant role in
their own suffering. They stress that while events themselves
are not always one’s fault, the reaction to these events often
contributes to the majority of the suffering.
Personal role in one’s own suffering.

Events are not always one’s fault, but reactions contribute to
5. Micromanagement and Obsession
The speaker discusses how micromanaging problems can
make them worse. They share a personal experience about
dealing with their mother’s situation and the need to express
difficulties while recognizing when it becomes
Micromanaging problems can make them worse.
Personal experience with their mother’s situation.
Need to express difficulties but recognize when it becomes
6. Personal Growth and Maturity
The speaker reflects on the process of personal growth and
maturity, emphasizing the importance of not obsessing over
minor issues and understanding that others are not constantly
scrutinizing one’s appearance.
Swollen and infected issues can become noticeable if
interfered with.
As one grows older, they learn to let things run their course.
Realizing that not everyone is obsessing over one’s appearance
is a sign of maturity.
7. Artistic Process and Challenges
The speaker discusses the challenges faced during the artistic
process, including the tendency to overwork a piece and the
consequences of trying to fix perceived imperfections.
The speaker has stayed up all night painting and often feels
the need to add more to the artwork.
Overworking a piece can lead to ruining it, resulting in wasted
materials and effort.
The speaker has learned to listen to an inner voice, possibly the
Holy Spirit, to avoid overworking.
8. Changes with Age

The speaker notes changes in their routine and habits as they
age, such as waking up earlier and reducing late-night
The speaker used to stay up until 3 o’clock in the morning but
now wakes up early.
This change is attributed to aging and is not necessarily a bad
9. Persistence and Faith
The speaker discusses the importance of persistence and
faith, using biblical references and parables to illustrate the
point. He emphasizes that persistence does not always mean
focusing on one specific goal but rather being open to different
Ask, and keep on asking, and it will be given to you.
Seek, and keep on seeking, and you will find.
Knock, and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to
Persistence can be interpreted as looking at a series of doors
and knocking until one opens.
10. Letting Go and Moving On
The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing when to
let go and move on from situations that are no longer serving
you. He uses personal anecdotes and biblical stories to
illustrate the point.
There is a time to move on.
Obsession can be detrimental.
Self-respect is crucial in letting go.
11. Neutrality vs. Surrender
The speaker differentiates between neutrality and surrender,
explaining that surrender is an intentional action while neutrality
can lead to a lack of direction.
Neutrality is dangerous as it leads to a lack of intentionality.
Surrender is an intentional action.

12. Worry and Control
The speaker discusses the futility of worrying about things
beyond one’s control and emphasizes focusing on what can be
controlled and created.
Worrying does not change the outcome.
Focus on what you can create.
13. Parenting and Letting Go
The speaker shares personal experiences about parenting
adult children and the importance of letting them make their
own decisions while being supportive.
Parents should support their adult children without unsolicited
Children need to make their own decisions.
14. Opinions and Enjoying People
Disconnecting from having opinions about everybody allows
you to enjoy people more.
Disconnecting from opinions about others enhances
enjoyment of people.
15. Jeff and Trump Support
Jeff is probably a Trump supporter, and the speaker
acknowledges the reality of differing opinions.
Jeff is probably a Trump supporter.
The speaker acknowledges the reality of differing opinions.
16. Ministering with White Evangelicals
The speaker ministers with white evangelicals frequently,
indicating it is a common aspect of their life.
The speaker ministers with white evangelicals frequently.
17. Evening Plans with Hallie
The speaker and Hallie were contemplating their evening plans
when Jeff texted to meet up.
The speaker and Hallie were contemplating their evening
Jeff texted to meet up.

18. Meeting with Jeff and Howard
The speaker recounts a synchronistic meeting with Jeff and
Howard, emphasizing the importance of not micromanaging
situations and allowing the universe to work things out.
The speaker and Jeff met Howard in a quiet lounge.
The meeting was seen as a small miracle or synchronistic
The speaker emphasizes the importance of not micromanaging
19. Advice to Young Ministers
The speaker advises young ministers to focus more on their
energy and confidence rather than over-studying their material,
as the delivery and personal energy are crucial in ministering.
Young ministers often worry about their first sermon.
The speaker advises them not to overstudy.
Focus on how you feel about ministering more than the material.
20. Debate Analysis
The speaker analyzes a debate between Joe Biden and Donald
Trump, criticizing Biden’s approach and preparation. The
speaker suggests that Biden should have focused on appearing
more relaxed and energetic rather than overloading on facts
and figures.
Joe Biden debated Donald Trump.
Biden appeared tired and over-prepared with facts and figures.
Trump’s rapid-fire lies disoriented Biden.
21. Personal Well-being and Problem Solving
The speaker emphasizes the importance of personal
well-being in solving problems. By fixing one’s thinking and
demeanor, many problems will resolve themselves.
Fixing your thinking can fix your problems.
Negative demeanor and outlook can attract more negativity.
22. Political Debates and Life Challenges

The speaker uses the recent political debates as a metaphor to
discuss how life challenges us. He emphasizes the importance
of not approaching life with self-pity and victimization, as this
will lead to failure.
Life challenges us like a debate.
Approaching life with self-pity and victimization leads to failure.
23. Energy Management and Avoiding Negative Conversations
The speaker advises avoiding conversations and situations
that drain energy and do not lead to productive outcomes.
Avoid conversations that repeatedly end negatively.
Agree with adversaries quickly to manage time better.
24. Traffic Court Experience
The speaker shares a personal experience about a traffic
violation to illustrate the futility of trying to make a point when
the system does not allow for it.
The speaker was fined for turning right on red despite not
seeing the sign.
The court system did not allow for an explanation beyond guilty
or not guilty.
25. Importance of Feeling Good and Positive Attitude
The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a
positive attitude and feeling good about life, suggesting that
this can be as important as prayer.
Feeling good about life is crucial.
A positive attitude can influence circumstances.
26. Resilience and Strength
The speaker discusses the importance of resilience and not
being easily offended, suggesting that strength attracts positive
treatment from life.
Develop resilience and a high capacity for not being
Life treats you according to your strength.
27. General Advice on Life

The speaker concludes with general advice on staying
positive, proactive, and enjoying life despite problems.
Everyone has problems; it’s important to stay positive and
Enjoy every day and act strong.
Know when expression becomes counterproductive.
Learn to recognize when a piece is finished and avoid the
temptation to keep adding to it.
Diversify your efforts and don’t put all your hope in one
Seek therapy if needed to heal from past relationships.
Be intentional in your actions and decisions.
Shift your energy to what you can create.
Enjoy the parts of your adult children’s lives that you can and be
Keep things a little bit loose; good stuff will happen.
Concentrate on your energy and confidence rather than just the

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