Category: Podcast

The Metron Experience 8-18-24

The Metron Experience 8-18-24


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am –

Notes Below Transcribed by AI

1. The interplay between perception, influence, and personal responsibility inshaping reality and behavior.

Preference for Series over MoviesThe speaker expresses a preference for watching series over movies because theyallow for deeper engagement and development.

Monthly Title: Things Known and UnknownThe speaker introduces the monthly title ‘Things Known and Unknown, Opening Upthe Portals of Perception and Personal Progression’ and expresses enthusiasm forit.

Biblical InterpretationThe speaker discusses different translations of Matthew 6:22-23, comparing theNew King James Version and the Voice Translation, and elaborates on the metaphorof the eye as the lamp of the body.

Christian Universality and MinistryThe speaker addresses the concept of Christian universality and ultimatereconciliation, explaining that ministry is still needed for those who are ‘lost’ even ifthey are ultimately saved.

Creative Powers and DivinityThe speaker discusses how both good and evil actions are manifestations of humandivinity, using examples like Adolf Hitler and the Wright Brothers.

Influence and ResponsibilityThe speaker talks about the responsibility that comes with influence, using examples

like going viral on TikTok and personal experiences with arguments.

Darkness and Light in Human BehaviorThe speaker elaborates on the concept of darkness and light within individuals,emphasizing the importance of allowing light to flood one’s physicality to avoid deepdarkness.

Personal Anecdote: Uber Eats IncidentThe speaker shares a personal story about a frustrating experience with an UberEats driver, using it to illustrate how stress and anger can reveal deeper issues.

Managing Stress and ResponsibilitiesThe speaker reflects on the importance of managing stress and setting boundaries,especially when feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities.

Perception and RealityThe speaker discusses how perception shapes reality, using examples frompersonal experiences and political paradigms.

2. Perception and its impact on reality

Perception and ParadigmsDiscussion on how individuals have different paradigms and perceptions, influencedby personal experiences and authority figures.

Shared ExperiencesAnecdote about Julia Sweeney and shared experiences related to age and culturalmilestones.

William Blake QuoteIntroduction of a William Blake quote about perception and its impact on reality.

Criticism and Self-LoveQuote about how constant criticism affects children’s self-love and the importance ofpositive reinforcement.

Influence of Authority FiguresDiscussion on how authority figures can impose their perceptions on others, alteringtheir viewpoint.

Personal Experiences with CounselingSpeaker shares personal experiences of being approached by strangers forcounseling and the importance of being a safe space.

Childhood Dreams and ImaginationReflection on childhood dreams, imagination, and the impact of growing up on one’sperception of reality.

Observer EffectExplanation of the observer effect from quantum physics and its implications onchanging one’s perception of the past.

3. The impact of childhood experiences on adult perceptions and theimportance of maintaining a youthful, positive perspective.

Shared Experiences and NostalgiaThe speaker discusses the joy of shared experiences, such as watching vintage toycommercials, which evoke childhood memories and reduce stress.

Childlike PerspectiveThe importance of viewing the world through the eyes of a child is emphasized,referencing Jesus’ teachings and the joy of having grandchildren.

Grandparents and ParentingThe speaker contrasts the stress of parenting with the joy of being a grandparent,sharing personal anecdotes about his maternal grandmother.

Childhood MemoriesThe speaker shares memories of his childhood, including interactions with his fatherand the different atmosphere at his grandparents’ house.

Church and CommunityThe speaker reflects on the dynamics within the Pentecostal church, includinggossip and church splits, and contrasts it with his grandparents’ more peacefulenvironment.

Friendship and LaughterThe speaker talks about maintaining long-term friendships and the importance oflaughter, especially the kind experienced during youth.

Counseling and Childhood ImpactThe speaker discusses insights from counseling, noting that many adult issues stemfrom unresolved childhood experiences.

Perception and RealityThe speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding how childhoodexperiences shape adult perceptions and responses to authority and religion.

Racial AwarenessThe speaker shares anecdotes about children becoming aware of racial differencesand the importance of addressing these perceptions.

Parenting ChallengesThe speaker discusses the challenges of parenting, including dealing with siblingrivalry and the need for updated parenting strategies.

Evolving ParadigmsThe speaker talks about the need to update one’s paradigms and perspectives aslife changes, using personal examples.

Repentance and RethinkingThe speaker explains that repentance involves regularly rethinking and updatingone’s thoughts and behaviors.

Health and CaretakingThe speaker shares experiences of caretaking and the importance of rethinkinghealth habits and routines.

Positive Childhood MemoriesThe speaker emphasizes the importance of remembering positive childhoodmemories, even if the overall experience was difficult.

Intentional PositivityThe speaker encourages being intentional about recalling good memories andexperiences from childhood.

Church ExperiencesThe speaker reflects on the positive aspects of his experiences in the Pentecostalchurch, despite its challenges.

Youthful ParadigmsThe speaker advises maintaining a youthful perspective and not becoming stuck inold paradigms.

Travel and EnjoymentThe speaker encourages enjoying life and taking trips, especially with family, tocreate lasting memories.

4. Reflection on childhood memories, emotional journeys, and the importanceof joy and giving.

Childhood CerealDiscussion about favorite childhood cereals, including Fruit Lips and Crunch Berries,and a mention of dyes used in Fruit Lips.

Unfinished Business with Deceased Family MembersConversation about dealing with unfinished business with deceased family membersand the emotional journey of judging them harshly and then cherishing them.

Favorite CartoonsDiscussion about favorite childhood cartoons, including Casper and Josie thePussycat.

Soldering and Old TrainA brief mention of soldering and an old train, and how it almost saved the speaker.

Laughter and JoyEmphasis on the importance of laughter and joy in life, and how the speaker’sdaughter tries to keep them engaged.

Anointing and EmittingDiscussion about having an anointing and emitting it, and how it ends up in a movie.

Donation InstructionsInstructions on how to donate using a smartphone or by visiting a website, and theimpact of contributions.

Bible and CirclingMention of a Bible section where Jesus encourages people to circle, and a briefdiscussion about its significance.


At some point, this emotional journey gives peace.

The Metron Experience 8-11-24 Metron Live Podcast: Perception, Reality,and Influence in Life and Relationships

The Metron Experience 8-11-24 Metron Live Podcast: Perception, Reality,and Influence in Life and Relationships

  1. The impact of perception on personal reality and relationships.
    Introduction to the Metron Live podcast, celebrating Rock God’s 20th year in podcasting and starting a new three-part series.
    Scripture Analysis
    Discussion on Matthew 6:22-23, focusing on the interpretation of ‘The lamp of thebody is the eye’ and how perception affects reality.
    Perception and Reality
    Exploration of how visualization and perception shape one’s natural world andrelationships.
    Influence of Upbringing
    Discussion on how ancestry, upbringing, and personal experiences shape one’sperception.
    Marriage and Perception
    Insights on how married couples perceive the world differently and the importance ofrespecting each other’s viewpoints.
    Quantum Physics and Perception
    Reference to Neil Don Walsh and quantum physics, explaining that observationaffects reality and everyone creates their own truth.
    Personal Anecdotes
    Personal stories about the speaker’s family members and their differing perceptionsof political figures and events.
    Saul of Tarsus
    Story of Saul of Tarsus and his transformation after encountering Jesus, illustrating adramatic change in perception.
    The quality of life is determined by how one perceives things.
    Perception creates reality; how one sees the world influences theirexperiences.
    Successful marriages involve respecting and understanding differingperceptions.
    Everyone sees a different truth because they create what they see.
  2. The evolution of perception through personal experiences, influentialfigures, and beliefs.
    Perception and Influence
    Discussion on how personal experiences and influential figures shape one’sperception, using examples from literature and personal anecdotes.
    Impact of Literature
    Example of how ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ influenced the abolitionist movement bychanging perceptions about slavery.
    Personal Anecdotes
    Various personal stories illustrating how experiences and interactions have shapedthe speaker’s perception over time.
    Family Influence
    Discussion on how family members can have different perceptions despite growingup in the same household.
    Travel Experiences
    The speaker’s experiences and perceptions of New York City, and how these haveevolved over time.
    Financial Perception
    Anecdote about the speaker’s changing perception of financial decisions, illustratedby an experience buying ties.
    Evolving Perceptions
    How perceptions change over time, using examples from personal experiences andinteractions.
    Political and Theological Views
    Discussion on how political and theological beliefs shape perceptions andinteractions with others.
    Synchronicity and Favor
    The concept of synchronicity and how it is perceived as a sign of being in the right
    place at the right time.
    Religious Influence
    How religious beliefs and practices influence perceptions and interactions, usingexamples from personal experiences.
    Miracles and Favor
    Discussion on the perception of miracles and divine favor, and how these conceptsare shared and experienced.
    Perception evolves over time and is influenced by personal experiences andinfluential figures.
    Perceptions evolve through various stages influenced by personal growth andexperiences.
    Synchronicity is seen as a sign of making good choices and being in the flow.
    Miracles and favor are perceived as abundant and shareable, influencingothers positively.
  3. Perception and Divinity
    El Shaddai
    Discussion on the covenant name of God, El Shaddai, and its interpretation as ‘theGod who’s just too much’ or ‘extra’.
    Divinity in Us
    The speaker emphasizes that God is within us and that it is the divinity in us thatcommunicates with each other.
    Perception and Reality
    The importance of perception in shaping reality is discussed, including the idea thatchanging one’s perception can alter their experience of the world.
    Biblical Interpretation
    The speaker discusses the interpretation of biblical texts, emphasizing that the Bibleis part of a larger understanding of God’s word.
    Repentance and Healing
    Repentance is described as changing the way one sees things, which is necessaryfor healing and entering the kingdom of God.
    Political Balance
    The speaker appreciates the two-party system in the U.S. as it provides a balance ofdifferent perceptions, leading to a more perfect union.
    Blessings and Perception
    The speaker blesses the audience’s vision, perception, memories, and intuition,encouraging them to see clearly and produce the best reality.
    Changing the way you see things will change the way you experience them.
    Next Arrangements
    [ ] Contributing to Metron is quick and easy via smartphone or website.
    [ ] Anointing ceremony on the way out with meditation music.
The Metron Experience 8-4-24

The Metron Experience 8-4-24


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am –

Mobile Metron 7-28-24

Mobile Metron 7-28-24


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am –

FUTURE VISION: Developing the Ability to See the Joy Set Before You (Part 1)

FUTURE VISION: Developing the Ability to See the Joy Set Before You (Part 1)


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am –

Notes translated by AI

# Developing Future Vision, Positive Mindset, and Resilience Through Faith and Practical Strategies

> Date & Time:  2024-07-14 11:22:28
> Location: Metron at Landmark Theater
Key Learnings
### 1. Future Vision: Developing the Ability to See the Joy Set Before You
– **Key Points**
  – The concept of future vision is derived from Hebrews 12:2 in the New King James Version.
  – The purpose of Jesus dying on the cross is interpreted as changing our self-image and how we relate to God.
  – The writer of Hebrews, possibly Paul, emphasizes seeing beyond immediate suffering to the joy set before.
  – The importance of not getting fixated on immediate challenges but looking for the positive outcomes.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker explains that future vision involves seeing beyond immediate difficulties and focusing on the joy and accomplishments that lie ahead. This concept is illustrated using Hebrews 12:2, which talks about Jesus enduring the cross for the joy set before him. The speaker emphasizes that this perspective helps individuals to deal with repetitive and challenging tasks by focusing on the positive outcomes.
– **Jesus’ Sacrifice**
  > Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before him, which was his own sense of accomplishment and not necessarily for others.
  1. Jesus’ sacrifice is seen as a way to change our self-image and relationship with God.
  2. The writer of Hebrews emphasizes that Jesus saw beyond the immediate suffering to the joy that lay ahead.
– **Personal Experience with Repetitive Tasks**
  > The speaker shares a personal experience of working at the California Library, where he had to repeatedly organize books according to the Dewey Decimal System.
  1. The repetitive nature of the task was challenging, but it was part of the job and had to be done.
  2. This example illustrates the importance of seeing beyond immediate tasks to the overall responsibility and maturity required in adult life.
– **Shoulder Surgery and Recovery**
  > The speaker had shoulder replacement surgery and had to endure pain and cortisone shots during recovery.
  1. The pain and discomfort were immediate challenges, but the speaker focused on the long-term recovery and strength improvement.
  2. This example highlights the importance of enduring immediate pain for future benefits.
– **Receiving a Small Check**
  > The speaker received a small check in the mail, which was a fraction of what he expected.
  1. Instead of being disappointed, the speaker saw it as the first step towards receiving the full amount.
  2. This example demonstrates the importance of focusing on positive outcomes, even if they are small steps towards a larger goal.
### 2. Positive Mindset and Gratitude
– **Key Points**
  – Maintaining a positive mindset can influence your day positively.
  – Expressing gratitude can lead to unexpected benefits and joy.
  – Recognizing and appreciating small blessings can improve overall well-being.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying positive and expressing gratitude. They share personal experiences where maintaining a positive attitude and expressing gratitude led to positive outcomes, such as receiving discounts and free items.
– **Car Battery Replacement**
  > The speaker’s car battery was dead, and they called for assistance. The service arrived quickly with a new battery and resolved the issue.
  1. The speaker highlights the efficiency and affordability of the service.
  2. They mention the availability of discounts for members.
– **Discount on Membership Renewal**
  > The speaker was renewing a membership and inquired about a discount. The representative offered a reduction in price due to the speaker’s long-term membership.
  1. The speaker expressed gratitude and humor, which positively influenced the interaction.
  2. The representative’s willingness to help resulted in a financial saving for the speaker.
– **Free Starbucks Items**
  > The speaker visited Starbucks and was informed that they had rewards points about to expire. They used the points to get a free coffee and bistro box.
  1. The speaker’s positive attitude and gratitude led to a pleasant surprise.
  2. This experience reinforced the speaker’s belief in the power of positivity.
### 3. Perspective on Challenges
– **Key Points**
  – Challenges should be seen as opportunities for growth.
  – Maintaining faith in positive outcomes can help navigate difficult times.
  – Focusing on the end goal rather than the immediate struggle is crucial.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker discusses the importance of viewing challenges as temporary and focusing on the positive outcomes that lie ahead. They use religious metaphors to illustrate the concept of enduring hardships with the belief that better times are coming.
– **Traffic Jam Experience**
  > The speaker encountered traffic but maintained a positive attitude, believing that something good awaited on the other side.
  1. The speaker’s positive mindset helped them stay calm and optimistic.
  2. This attitude allowed them to handle the situation without frustration.
– **Friday Night Outing**
  > The speaker had a pleasant Friday night where everything worked out smoothly, including finding seats for everyone.
  1. The speaker attributed the positive experience to their positive mindset.
  2. They emphasized the importance of expecting good outcomes.
### 4. Focus on Following Jesus’ Example
– **Key Points**
  – Jesus never explicitly asked for worship; He emphasized following His example.
  – Focusing on actions and following Jesus’ teachings can lead to a better world.
  – Understanding the distinction between worship and following His example is crucial.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker argues that while worship is important, following Jesus’ example in daily life is more impactful. They stress that Jesus emphasized actions and teachings over worship and that this approach can lead to a more just and compassionate world.
– **Jesus’ Teachings on Worship**
  > Jesus often downplayed the importance of being called ‘good’ and focused on His mission and teachings.
  1. The speaker highlights instances where Jesus redirected praise to emphasize His teachings.
  2. They argue that this shows Jesus’ focus on actions and example rather than seeking worship.
– **Christian Nationalism Critique**
  > The speaker criticizes the idea of a ‘Christian nation,’ emphasizing that Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world.
  1. The speaker argues that conflating nationalism with Christianity goes against Jesus’ teachings.
  2. They stress the importance of separating spiritual beliefs from political agendas.
### 5. Practical Help vs. Prayer
– **Key Points**
  – While prayer is important, practical help can be more immediately beneficial.
  – Offering tangible assistance can complement spiritual support.
  – Understanding the needs of others and providing appropriate help is crucial.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker shares a story to illustrate the importance of balancing prayer with practical help. They argue that while prayer is valuable, offering tangible assistance can often be more immediately beneficial to those in need.
– **Woman’s Testimony of Illness**
  > A woman who was bedridden appreciated the prayers of a group but wished they had also helped clean her house.
  1. The speaker uses this story to highlight the need for practical help alongside spiritual support.
  2. They emphasize that understanding and addressing immediate needs can be more impactful.
### 6. Resilience and Vision
– **Key Points**
  – Resilience involves enduring hardships with a focus on future goals.
  – Maintaining a clear vision helps navigate challenges.
  – Learning from Jesus’ example of resilience can inspire personal strength.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker discusses the importance of resilience and having a clear vision for the future. They use Jesus’ endurance of the cross and His focus on the resurrection as an example of maintaining faith and vision despite hardships.
– **Jesus’ Endurance of the Cross**
  > Jesus endured the cross by focusing on the resurrection and the ultimate goal of His mission.
  1. The speaker emphasizes that Jesus’ vision of the resurrection helped Him endure the suffering of the cross.
  2. They argue that this example can inspire individuals to maintain their vision and resilience in the face of challenges.
### 7. Aging and Self-Perception
– **Key Points**
  – Self-perception evolves from self-centeredness in infancy to self-consciousness in adolescence.
  – With age, individuals often become less concerned with others’ opinions.
  – Aging can bring a sense of freedom from unnecessary concerns.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker reflects on the changes in self-perception and priorities that come with aging. They discuss how individuals move from being self-centered as infants to self-conscious as adolescents, and eventually to a stage where they care less about others’ opinions and focus more on their own well-being.
– **Infant’s Self-Centeredness**
  > An infant demands attention without concern for others, such as crying for food at any hour.
  1. The speaker uses this example to illustrate the natural self-centeredness of infants.
  2. They highlight how this changes as individuals grow and become more aware of others.
– **Adolescent Self-Consciousness**
  > Adolescents often worry excessively about peer pressure and others’ opinions.
  1. The speaker discusses how adolescents become highly self-conscious and concerned with fitting in.
  2. They explain that this phase is a natural part of development.
– **Freedom in Aging**
  > As people age, they often care less about others’ opinions and focus more on their own priorities.
  1. The speaker highlights the sense of freedom that comes with aging.
  2. They discuss how older individuals prioritize their own well-being over others’ opinions.
### 8. Handling Permissions and Communication
– **Key Points**
  – Understanding the need for permissions and witnesses.
  – Effective communication with individuals who may have language barriers.
  – Using technology (e.g., screenshots) to facilitate communication.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker describes a situation where they needed to grant permission for work on their mother’s property. They emphasize the importance of clear communication, especially when there are language barriers. The speaker used a screenshot to send the necessary permission, demonstrating a practical solution to the problem.
– **Permission for Storm Drain Work**
  > A neighbor needed permission to enter the property for storm drain work. The speaker, acting as their mother’s power of attorney, communicated with a Latino worker named Javier to resolve the issue.
  1. The speaker explained that nobody lived in the house and they were in Atlanta.
  2. They decided to fill out the permission form, take a screenshot, and send it via text.
  3. Javier accepted this solution, and the work proceeded without further issues.
### 9. Setting Boundaries and Saying No
– **Key Points**
  – Learning to say no without over-explaining.
  – Understanding that it’s okay to refuse requests that make you uncomfortable.
  – Recognizing the empowerment in setting boundaries.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker discusses the importance of setting boundaries and saying no to requests that one is not comfortable with. They highlight the empowerment that comes from being clear and firm in one’s decisions.
– **Refusing a FaceTime Call**
  > The speaker refused a FaceTime call from someone named Rhonda because they didn’t feel presentable.
  1. Rhonda asked to FaceTime, but the speaker declined, stating they didn’t look good.
  2. The speaker called instead, and Rhonda accepted this alternative.
### 10. Perspective on Life’s Challenges
– **Key Points**
  – Viewing challenges as temporary and manageable.
  – Avoiding fixation on negative aspects to prevent them from becoming overwhelming.
  – Recognizing that one’s reaction to challenges can influence their persistence.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive perspective on life’s challenges. They suggest that viewing challenges as temporary can help manage them better and prevent them from becoming overwhelming.
– **Caretaking for a Parent**
  > The speaker reflects on their experience as a full-time caretaker for their mother and the importance of not overreacting to complaints.
  1. The speaker realized that overreacting to their mother’s complaints was unnecessary.
  2. They decided to adopt a more relaxed attitude, which improved their overall experience.
### 11. Avoiding Unnecessary Arguments
– **Key Points**
  – Choosing not to engage in arguments, especially online.
  – Understanding that arguing with strangers is often unproductive.
  – Focusing on positive and meaningful interactions instead.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker advises against engaging in unnecessary arguments, particularly online. They suggest that such arguments are often unproductive and that it’s better to focus on positive interactions.
– **Avoiding Online Arguments**
  > The speaker avoids engaging in arguments on their Facebook page, recognizing that such interactions are often unproductive.
  1. The speaker chooses not to argue with strangers online.
  2. They focus on maintaining a positive attitude and avoiding unnecessary confrontations.
### 12. Accepting Others’ Choices
– **Key Points**
  – Recognizing that others have the right to make their own choices.
  – Celebrating others’ choices without imposing personal preferences.
  – Understanding that different choices do not necessarily affect one’s own life.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker highlights the importance of accepting and celebrating the choices of others. They suggest that doing so can lead to a happier and more harmonious life.
– **Accepting Children’s Choices**
  > The speaker discusses the importance of accepting the choices made by their adult children, even if they differ from their own preferences.
  1. The speaker acknowledges that their children have the right to make their own choices.
  2. They emphasize the importance of celebrating these choices and not imposing their own preferences.
### 13. Finding Joy in Life
– **Key Points**
  – Recognizing the importance of enjoying life.
  – Not feeling guilty about enjoying one’s achievements and possessions.
  – Understanding that joy requires effort, especially as one ages.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding joy in life and not feeling guilty about enjoying one’s achievements and possessions. They suggest that joy requires effort, especially as one gets older.
– **Enjoying Personal Achievements**
  > The speaker encourages people to enjoy their personal achievements and not let others make them feel guilty about it.
  1. The speaker suggests that people should enjoy what they have worked hard for.
  2. They emphasize that others’ jealousy should not affect one’s enjoyment of their own achievements.
### 14. Defending Personal Choices
– **Key Points**
  – People often feel the need to justify their personal choices to others.
  – It’s important to focus on one’s own happiness rather than seeking validation from others.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker emphasizes that individuals should not waste time defending their personal choices, such as dining out frequently, to others. Instead, they should focus on their own happiness and not let others’ opinions affect them.
– **Dining Out Frequently**
  > The speaker mentions that when they first got together with Kit, people often commented on how they ate out every night.
  1. The speaker questions why others care about their dining habits.
  2. They highlight that it’s their money and their choice, and they shouldn’t have to defend it.
### 15. Contentment in Different Life Situations
– **Key Points**
  – Contentment is a learned behavior and doesn’t always come naturally.
  – Different people have different needs and desires, and it’s important to recognize and respect that.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker discusses the concept of contentment, referencing Paul who said he had to learn to be content in whatever state he was in. The speaker also shares personal experiences of counseling people with different needs and desires, highlighting the importance of recognizing and respecting individual differences.
– **Counseling Sessions**
  > The speaker shares experiences from their counseling sessions where one person would express loneliness while another would express a need for personal space.
  1. The speaker notes the irony of back-to-back counseling sessions with contrasting needs.
  2. They emphasize the importance of learning to be content in one’s own situation.
### 16. Managing Stress and Perspective
– **Key Points**
  – Stress management involves changing one’s perspective on the situation.
  – Recognizing the temporary nature of difficult situations can help alleviate stress.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker shares techniques for managing stress, such as changing one’s perspective on the situation and recognizing the temporary nature of difficult times. They emphasize the importance of focusing on positive aspects and not letting stress overwhelm them.
– **Heavy Traffic**
  > The speaker describes feeling stressed in heavy traffic but then changing their perspective to focus on the positive aspects of the situation.
  1. The speaker reminds themselves that they are in an air-conditioned car with leather seats, listening to a podcast they enjoy.
  2. They acknowledge that stressing out will only make the situation worse.
### 17. Empathy and Compassion
– **Key Points**
  – Empathy involves understanding and acknowledging others’ feelings without trivializing their experiences.
  – It’s important to maintain personal boundaries and not let others’ problems overwhelm you.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker discusses the importance of empathy and compassion, emphasizing that while it’s important to acknowledge and understand others’ feelings, it’s also crucial to maintain personal boundaries. They highlight the need to balance empathy with self-care.
– **Responding to Anxiety**
  > The speaker shares an experience of responding to a friend’s anxiety by acknowledging their feelings rather than just offering positive rhetoric.
  1. The speaker initially responds with positive rhetoric but later acknowledges the friend’s feelings of anxiety.
  2. The friend appreciates the acknowledgment, highlighting the importance of validating others’ experiences.
– **Helping Others Financially**
  > The speaker describes a situation where they sent money to someone in need but later had to set boundaries when asked for more money.
  1. The speaker initially helps by sending money but later sets a boundary by saying no to a subsequent request.
  2. They emphasize the importance of not feeling guilty for setting boundaries.
### 18. Perspective on Life’s Challenges
– **Key Points**
  – Finding humor in difficult situations can provide relief and a sense of perspective.
  – Recognizing that challenging times are temporary can help in coping with them.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker discusses the importance of maintaining perspective and finding humor in challenging situations. They share personal anecdotes to illustrate how humor and recognizing the temporary nature of difficulties can help in coping with them.
– **COVID-19 Pandemic**
  > The speaker shares a humorous anecdote about wanting bacon waffles during the worst part of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  1. The speaker decides to indulge in bacon waffles, finding humor in the situation despite the severity of the pandemic.
  2. They highlight the importance of finding moments of joy and humor even in difficult times.
### 19. Hope and Resilience
– **Key Points**
  – Hope and resilience are crucial for overcoming tough situations.
  – Recognizing that difficult times are temporary can help in maintaining hope.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker emphasizes the importance of hope and resilience in overcoming tough situations. They share personal experiences and quotes to illustrate how maintaining hope and recognizing the temporary nature of difficulties can help in coping with them.
– **Biblical References**
  > The speaker references the Bible, mentioning that joy comes in the morning and that difficult times are temporary.
  1. The speaker uses biblical references to illustrate the concept of hope and resilience.
  2. They emphasize that difficult times will pass and better days will come.
### 20. Life Challenges and Resilience
– **Key Points**
  – The individual is an only child.
  – She faced multiple challenges including traffic delays, a swollen face, the death of her uncle, and losing her job.
  – Despite these challenges, she celebrated her birthday with friends and expressed gratitude.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker emphasizes the importance of resilience and gratitude in the face of life’s challenges. The individual in the story serves as an example of how to maintain a positive outlook and celebrate life despite difficulties.
– **Birthday Celebration Amidst Challenges**
  > The individual, an only child, was on her way to a restaurant to celebrate her birthday. Despite facing traffic delays and having a swollen face, she still attended the celebration. She had also recently lost her job and her uncle had passed away.
  1. The individual showed resilience by attending the celebration despite the challenges.
  2. She expressed gratitude for the people who came to celebrate her life and the efforts they made.
  3. This example highlights the importance of focusing on positive aspects and being grateful even during tough times.
### 21. Perspective on Life and Challenges
– **Key Points**
  – Life is bigger than any single event or challenge.
  – It’s important to look for the positive outcomes and happy endings in every situation.
  – The concept of enduring challenges for the joy that comes afterward is emphasized.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker encourages the audience to maintain a broader perspective on life. By looking beyond immediate challenges and focusing on the potential positive outcomes, individuals can find the strength to endure and overcome difficulties.
– **Enduring Challenges for Future Joy**
  > The speaker references the idea that joy comes in the morning after a night of challenges, and that Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before him.
  1. This example is used to illustrate the concept of enduring present difficulties for future happiness.
  2. The speaker encourages the audience to adopt a similar mindset in their own lives.
### 22. Gratitude and Daily Resilience
– **Key Points**
  – Every day is an opportunity to be grateful and make the most of life.
  – Surviving past challenges can build confidence in facing future ones.
  – Seeing beyond immediate difficulties to the joy that lies ahead is crucial.
– **Explanation**
  The speaker encourages the audience to start each day with gratitude and a positive outlook. By recognizing past successes in overcoming challenges, individuals can build resilience and confidence for future difficulties.
– **Daily Gratitude and Resilience**
  > The speaker asks the audience if they have ever faced situations they thought they wouldn’t survive but did. This reflection is used to highlight the importance of daily gratitude and resilience.
  1. Reflecting on past challenges and survival can build confidence.
  2. Starting each day with gratitude helps maintain a positive outlook.
  3. Seeing beyond immediate difficulties to future joy is a key mindset.
METRON LIVE 7-7-24: ‘Peace’

METRON LIVE 7-7-24: ‘Peace’


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am –

Notes translated by AI

This talk covers hearing from God, evangelical
messages, dealing with anxiety, decision making,
empathy, and social issues in a spiritual context.
Date & Time: 2024-07-07 11:40:57
Location: Metron at Atlanta Theater

spirituality anxiety decision making

Key Learnings
1. Hearing from God: The concept of hearing from God,
specifically through the Holy Spirit, and the importance of
discerning whether the voice is internal or external.
2. Evangelical Signs and Messages: The speaker discusses
various evangelical signs and messages encountered during
travels, and their impact.
3. Dealing with Anxiety and Being Present: The speaker
discusses the importance of being present and dealing with
anxiety, especially in the context of caring for a loved one.
4. Personal Experience in Pastoral Counseling: The importance
of sharing personal experiences in pastoral counseling and how
it can help others.
5. Decision Making and Responsibility: The process of making
difficult decisions and the responsibility that comes with it.
6. Coping with Anxiety and Stress: Strategies for coping with
anxiety and stress, especially when dealing with
7. Human Experience and Empathy: The importance of
acknowledging and respecting the human experience and
showing empathy.
8. Dealing with Anxiety: Discussion on how anxiety is
omnipresent and how it affects individuals.
9. Eckhart Tolle’s Philosophy: Discussion on Eckhart Tolle’s
philosophy of not resisting any state of mind.

10. Conflict in the Christian Church at Rome: Discussion on the
conflict in the Christian church at Rome regarding meat offered
to idols.
11. Christian Nationalism and Modern Issues: Discussion on
Christian nationalism, its historical context, and its impact on
modern issues.
12. Moses and Abortion: Discussion on Moses’ perspective on
abortion as depicted in the Bible, specifically in the book of
13. Embryo Freezing and Fertility Drugs: Discussion on the
implications of embryo freezing and the use of fertility drugs.
14. Democracy and Individual Rights: Discussion on
democracy, individual rights, and the importance of respecting
others’ beliefs and identities.
15. Religious Beliefs and Social Issues: Discussion on how
religious beliefs influence opinions on social issues like
same-sex rights and abortion.
16. Conflict Resolution and Peace: Discussion on the
importance of resolving conflicts and maintaining peace.
17. Kingdom of God and Social Issues: Discussion on the
concept of the Kingdom of God and its relation to social issues.
18. Personal Peace and Well-being: Discussion on the
importance of personal peace and well-being.

1. Hearing from God

Key Points
The speaker refers to the Holy Spirit as the voice of God.
It’s important to discern whether the voice is internal or
The speaker has learned to switch gears between internal and
external voices.


The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting quiet to
hear the Spirit. If the Spirit doesn’t speak internally, it might be
an external confirmation. Over time, the speaker has learned to
discern and switch between these sources.

Example of God’s Way Baptist Church
The speaker saw a sign for ‘God’s Way Baptist Church’ and
humorously noted that it claimed to have the definitive way to
1. The speaker uses this example to illustrate the idea that
different people and institutions claim to have the ‘right’ way to
2. It highlights the importance of personal discernment in
spiritual matters.

Example of Traveling and Recognizing Markers
The speaker describes a trip from Belmont City to Panama
City, noting familiar markers along the way.
1. This example is used to illustrate the idea of recognizing
familiar signs and markers in one’s spiritual journey.
2. It emphasizes the importance of experience and familiarity in
discerning spiritual guidance.
2. Evangelical Signs and Messages

Key Points
Evangelical signs often focus on warnings and destruction.
Some signs are more positive, like ‘Know Jesus, Know Peace’.
The choice of scripture on signs can be unusual or unexpected.

The speaker reflects on the different types of evangelical
signs seen during travels. While some are focused on negative
messages, others are more positive. The speaker also notes the
unusual choice of scripture in some signs, which can be

Prophet Love and His Sign

A man named Prophet Love held a sign stating ‘97% of guitar
tricks go into hell’.
1. The speaker criticizes the negative and fear-based message
of the sign.
2. The speaker suggests that more practical help, like buying a
hamburger for a homeless person, would be more impactful.
Sweet Old Man with a Positive Sign

An old man held a sign saying ‘Know Jesus, Know Peace’ with
a scripture from 2 Thessalonians 3:16.
1. The speaker appreciates the positive and encouraging
message of the sign.
2. The choice of scripture, while unusual, is seen as a pleasant
3. Dealing with Anxiety and Being Present

Key Points
Being present and in the moment is crucial.
Caring for a loved one can be a source of anxiety.
Overreacting to minor complaints can be a sign of underlying

The speaker shares personal experiences of dealing with
anxiety while caring for their mother in assisted living. The
importance of being present and not overreacting to minor
issues is emphasized. The speaker also reflects on the cultural
background of receiving correction rather than affirmation.

Hug from a Med Tech

A med tech named Chasten hugged the speaker without
saying anything.
1. The hug was a gesture of support and understanding.
2. It highlights the emotional challenges of caring for a loved
one and the importance of empathy.
4. Personal Experience in Pastoral Counseling

Key Points
Sharing personal experiences can create a connection with
It is important to be honest about one’s own struggles and how
they are being dealt with.
Using personal stories can inspire and help others.

The teacher emphasizes the importance of sharing personal
experiences in pastoral counseling. By being honest about their
own struggles and how they deal with them, they can create a
connection with others and inspire them.

Teacher’s Personal Experience
The teacher shares their own experience of dealing with
complaints and making decisions about their mother’s care.
1. The teacher overreacted to a couple of complaints and made
a suggestion to their mother without proper research.
2. Upon realizing the mistake, the teacher had to explain the
situation to their mother and make a decision about her care.
3. The teacher reflects on the importance of committing to
decisions and not second-guessing them.
5. Decision Making and Responsibility

Key Points
Making decisions involves considering all aspects and
potential consequences.
Responsibility includes planning and thinking ahead.
It is important to balance practical considerations with
emotional attachments.

The teacher discusses the process of making difficult
decisions, such as selling a house and managing belongings.
They highlight the importance of planning and thinking ahead,
as well as balancing practical considerations with emotional

Selling the House
The teacher contemplates selling their house and the
challenges that come with it, such as managing belongings and
emotional attachments.
1. The teacher considers the financial implications of selling the
2. They think about where to store belongings, including a piano
that has sentimental value.
3. The teacher reflects on the emotional difficulty of making
such decisions.
6. Coping with Anxiety and Stress

Key Points
It is important to acknowledge and accept one’s current state.
Forgiving oneself for not being at peace can help reduce inner
Finding peace involves accepting non-peace and surrendering
to the present moment.

The teacher shares strategies for coping with anxiety and
stress, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and
accepting one’s current state. They discuss how forgiving
oneself for not being at peace can reduce inner conflict and
how finding peace involves accepting non-peace and
surrendering to the present moment.

Eckhart Tolle’s Quote
The teacher finds solace in a quote by Eckhart Tolle that
advises not to look for peace but to accept the current state.

1. The quote suggests that looking for peace can create inner
2. Accepting the current state can transmute non-peace into
3. The teacher reflects on how this advice helped them relax
and enjoy their time.

7. Human Experience and Empathy

Key Points
Acknowledging the human experience involves understanding
and respecting others’ feelings and situations.
Empathy is crucial in providing support and comfort to others.
Dehumanizing responses can be harmful and unhelpful.
The teacher emphasizes the importance of acknowledging
and respecting the human experience and showing empathy.
They discuss how understanding and respecting others’
feelings and situations is crucial in providing support and
comfort, and how dehumanizing responses can be harmful and

Jesus’ Human Response
The teacher references Jesus’ human response to Lazarus’
death as an example of empathy and acknowledging the human
1. Jesus wept before raising Lazarus from the dead, showing a
human response to grief.
2. This example highlights the importance of empathy and
understanding others’ feelings.
3. The teacher contrasts this with modern church practices that
often dehumanize the human experience.

8. Dealing with Anxiety

Key Points
Anxiety is omnipresent and follows you everywhere.

People often try to escape their problems by leaving town or
avoiding them.
Simple reassurances from others often do not help.

The teacher explains that anxiety is a constant presence in
one’s life, and it cannot be easily escaped. Simple reassurances
from others often do not help because they do not understand
the depth of the individual’s struggles.

Personal Experience with Anxiety
The teacher shares a personal experience of trying to stop
thinking about certain issues and the struggle to manage
financial concerns.
1. The teacher tried to avoid thinking about certain issues but
found it difficult.
2. Financial concerns added to the anxiety, leading to a feeling
of helplessness.
3. The teacher sought temporary relief through distractions.

9. Eckhart Tolle’s Philosophy

Key Points
Surrendering to non-peace can bring peace.
Resisting negative states can make them persist.

The teacher discusses Eckhart Tolle’s philosophy that
surrendering to non-peace can bring peace. Resisting negative
states can make them persist, as seen in the example of
churches constantly resisting the devil.

Churches Resisting the Devil
Churches that constantly resist the devil end up focusing on
him more, which makes the devil persist in their minds.
1. Churches focus on resisting the devil.
2. This constant focus makes the devil persist in their minds.
3. The teacher suggests that not resisting might bring more

10. Conflict in the Christian Church at Rome

Key Points
Two factions existed: one that accepted meat offered to idols
and one that did not.
Both factions had valid points based on their beliefs.

The teacher explains the conflict in the Christian church at
Rome, where one faction accepted meat offered to idols
because it was of high quality and affordable, while the other
faction refused it on religious grounds.

Meat Offered to Idols
One faction in the Christian church at Rome accepted meat
offered to idols because it was of high quality and affordable.
The other faction refused it on religious grounds.
1. The first faction saw it as a practical choice for quality meat.
2. The second faction saw it as a violation of their religious
3. Both perspectives were valid within their own contexts.

11. Christian Nationalism and Modern Issues

Key Points
Christian nationalists call for a second American revolution.
They focus on issues like gay rights and abortion.
There is a historical context to their beliefs, including Manifest
Destiny and reactions to social changes.

The teacher discusses the rise of Christian nationalism, its
historical roots in Manifest Destiny, and its focus on issues like
gay rights and abortion. The teacher also highlights the
historical context of certain symbols and phrases in American

Project 25 and Christian Nationalism

Christian nationalists are calling for a second American
revolution, focusing on issues like gay rights and abortion. They
believe these issues signify the end times.
1. Christian nationalists see gay rights and abortion as signs of
moral decay.
2. They believe these issues signify the end times.
3. Their beliefs are rooted in a specific interpretation of

Historical Context of Symbols
The teacher explains the historical context of symbols like the
Confederate flag and phrases like ‘In God We Trust.’
1. The Confederate flag was added to the Georgia flag in the
1950s as a reaction to desegregation.
2. Phrases like ‘In God We Trust’ were added during times of
social change.
3. These symbols and phrases have historical contexts that are
often overlooked.

12. Moses and Abortion
Key Points
Moses had a specific law regarding suspected infidelity and
A woman suspected of carrying another man’s child was given
a drink in front of the elders.
If she miscarried, it was seen as a sign from God that the child
was not her husband’s.
If she did not miscarry, the child was considered her husband’s.

The law of Moses did not consider life to begin at conception.
Instead, it treated a fetus as a fetus, and the outcome of the
drink test determined the legitimacy of the child.

Biblical Example from Numbers

A woman suspected of infidelity was given a drink in front of
the elders. If she miscarried, it was a sign from God that the
child was not her husband’s.
1. The woman drinks the concoction in front of the elders.
2. If she miscarries, it is seen as divine intervention indicating
3. If she does not miscarry, the child is considered legitimate.

13. Embryo Freezing and Fertility Drugs

Key Points
Embryos can be frozen and implanted years later.
Fertility drugs can result in multiple births, sometimes referred
to as a ‘litter’.

The discussion raises questions about the nature of life and
conception, especially in cases where embryos are frozen for
years or when fertility drugs result in multiple births.
Case of Frozen Embryos
Embryos that were frozen for 8 years were implanted and
resulted in children who are now 10 years old.
1. Embryos were frozen for 8 years.
2. They were implanted and resulted in successful births.
3. The children are now 10 years old, but technically they are
18 years old.

Case of Multiple Births from Fertility Drugs
A woman took fertility drugs and had 8 babies, which was
documented in a reality show ‘Kate Plus Eight’.
1. The woman took fertility drugs.
2. She gave birth to 8 babies.
3. The event was documented in a reality show.

14. Democracy and Individual Rights

Key Points

Democracy involves respecting everyone’s right to life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness.
People have the right to identify with their chosen pronouns.
Respecting others’ beliefs and identities is crucial in a
democratic society.

The discussion emphasizes the importance of respecting
individual rights and beliefs in a democracy, even if one does
not personally understand or agree with them.

15. Religious Beliefs and Social Issues

Key Points
People’s religious beliefs strongly influence their opinions on
social issues.
Arguments based on religious beliefs often do not change
others’ opinions.
Respecting differing beliefs is important for social harmony.

The discussion highlights that religious beliefs are deeply
personal and often unchangeable through argument. It stresses
the importance of respecting differing beliefs to maintain social

Facebook Example
Friends on Facebook post about their religious beliefs, which
can be offensive to others.
1. People post their religious beliefs on social media.
2. These posts can be offensive to friends with different beliefs.
3. Respecting others’ beliefs is important to avoid conflict.

16. Conflict Resolution and Peace

Key Points
Stop arguing with others about their beliefs.
Choose battles wisely and save energy for important issues.

Unfriending or blocking someone on social media can be a way
to maintain peace.

The discussion advises against engaging in arguments over
differing beliefs and emphasizes the importance of choosing
battles wisely. It suggests that maintaining peace sometimes
involves unfriending or blocking people on social media.

Personal Example of Conflict Resolution
The speaker shares a personal experience of telling someone
to stop calling Democrats ‘baby killers’ or they would remove
Fox News from their package.
1. The speaker confronted someone who repeatedly called
Democrats ‘baby killers’.
2. They threatened to remove Fox News from the person’s
package if they continued.
3. The person stopped making the offensive comments.

17. Kingdom of God and Social Issues

Key Points
The Kingdom of God is about righteousness, peace, and joy.
Arguing about social issues does not bring the Kingdom of God.
Jesus did not engage in political discussions.

The discussion emphasizes that the Kingdom of God focuses
on righteousness, peace, and joy, rather than social or political
issues. It notes that Jesus did not engage in political
discussions, suggesting that Christians should focus on spiritual

Biblical Example of Jesus and Politics
Jesus was asked if taxes should be paid to Caesar. He
responded by saying, ‘Whose image is on it? Caesar’s? My
kingdom is not of this world.’
1. Jesus was asked about paying taxes to Caesar.
2. He pointed out that the coin bore Caesar’s image.

3. He stated that his kingdom is not of this world, avoiding
political entanglement.

18. Personal Peace and Well-being

Key Points
Identify and address sources of anxiety.
Focus on personal peace and well-being.
Trust that everything will work out in the end.

The discussion encourages individuals to identify sources of
anxiety and focus on personal peace and well-being. It
reassures that everything will eventually work out.

METRON LIVE 6-30-24: ‘THE POWER OF LETTING IT BE: Manifesting the Miraculous without Manipulation or Micromanagement’

METRON LIVE 6-30-24: ‘THE POWER OF LETTING IT BE: Manifesting the Miraculous without Manipulation or Micromanagement’


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am –

Notes translated by AI

Comprehensive Work Training: Communication,
Counseling, Self-awareness, Micromanagement,
Onboarding, Persistence, Intentional Living,
Mindset, and Time Management
Date & Time: 2024-06-30 11:33:29
Location: Metron @ The Atlanta Theater
Speaker: Bishop Jim Swilley

The lecture emphasizes the importance of communication,
personal growth, and managing life’s challenges with resilience
and a positive attitude.

1. Gratitude to the podcast audience and various supporters.
2. Importance of communication and deep connections with
team members.
3. Manifesting the miraculous without manipulation and
avoiding micromanagement.
4. Personal accountability in one’s suffering and the impact of
reactions to events.
5. Challenges in the artistic process and learning to avoid
6. Changes in routine and habits with age.
7. Persistence and faith, illustrated through biblical references.
8. Knowing when to let go and move on from unproductive
9. Differentiating between neutrality and intentional surrender.
10. Maintaining a positive attitude and resilience in the face of
life’s challenges.
“It’s not what happened to you, it’s how you dealt with it, how
you thought about it, how it impacted you, how it triggered

“The things that happen to us are about 10% of our problems.
Our reactions to the things that happen to us comprise about
90% of the suffering.”
“You realize not everybody’s looking at you and they’re not
obsessing over what you look like.”
“The more I tried to fix it, the worse it got.”
“The truth is somewhere between those two polarities.”
“I can’t keep knocking on this door. I don’t even think it’s a door
anymore. I think it’s a wall, and I’m just knocking on the wall and
it’s not ever going to open.”
“Surrender is actually an intentional action.”
“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your
energy to what you can create.”– Roy T. Bennett
“Most things in your life are going to work out if you’ll just stop
freaking out about stuff.”
“When you disconnect from having opinions about everybody,
you just enjoy people so much more.”
“Stuff will happen if you don’t micromanage it.”
“You are the message. You’re not just the messenger, you’re
the message.”
“The universe doesn’t respond to what we want as much as it
responds to who we are.”– Dispenza
“I don’t fix my problems, I fix my thinking, and my thinking fixes
my problems.”
“Your problems are challenging you to a debate.”
“If you’ve had the same conversation with somebody several
times and it’s always ended up that same way, you’re the
sucker if you keep signing up for that same conversation.”
“Sometimes you have to say, there’s no mechanism for making
your point.”
“Feeling good about life, if it’s not more important than prayer,
it’s as important.”
“When you get strong, life starts treating you like you’re

“The joy of the Lord is your strength. You are strong in the

Chapters & Topics
1. Introduction and Gratitude
The speaker expresses gratitude to various individuals and
groups, including the podcast audience, Charles McFall,
Michelle, the tech team, Avery, BJ, and long-term supporters.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of these relationships
and the honor of having them in their life.
Gratitude to the podcast audience and Charles McFall.
Appreciation for Michelle and the tech team.
Acknowledgment of Avery, BJ, and long-term supporters.
2. Communication and Relationships
The speaker discusses the importance of communication and
the deep connection formed with interpreters and team
members. They highlight how these relationships enhance the
communication process.
Importance of communication.
Deep connection with interpreters and team members.
3. The Power of Letting It Be
The speaker introduces the topic of manifesting the
miraculous without manipulation. They emphasize the
importance of not micromanaging problems and how reactions
to events can exacerbate suffering.
Manifesting the miraculous without manipulation.
Importance of not micromanaging problems.
Reactions to events can exacerbate suffering.
4. Personal Accountability
The speaker admits that they have played a significant role in
their own suffering. They stress that while events themselves
are not always one’s fault, the reaction to these events often
contributes to the majority of the suffering.
Personal role in one’s own suffering.

Events are not always one’s fault, but reactions contribute to
5. Micromanagement and Obsession
The speaker discusses how micromanaging problems can
make them worse. They share a personal experience about
dealing with their mother’s situation and the need to express
difficulties while recognizing when it becomes
Micromanaging problems can make them worse.
Personal experience with their mother’s situation.
Need to express difficulties but recognize when it becomes
6. Personal Growth and Maturity
The speaker reflects on the process of personal growth and
maturity, emphasizing the importance of not obsessing over
minor issues and understanding that others are not constantly
scrutinizing one’s appearance.
Swollen and infected issues can become noticeable if
interfered with.
As one grows older, they learn to let things run their course.
Realizing that not everyone is obsessing over one’s appearance
is a sign of maturity.
7. Artistic Process and Challenges
The speaker discusses the challenges faced during the artistic
process, including the tendency to overwork a piece and the
consequences of trying to fix perceived imperfections.
The speaker has stayed up all night painting and often feels
the need to add more to the artwork.
Overworking a piece can lead to ruining it, resulting in wasted
materials and effort.
The speaker has learned to listen to an inner voice, possibly the
Holy Spirit, to avoid overworking.
8. Changes with Age

The speaker notes changes in their routine and habits as they
age, such as waking up earlier and reducing late-night
The speaker used to stay up until 3 o’clock in the morning but
now wakes up early.
This change is attributed to aging and is not necessarily a bad
9. Persistence and Faith
The speaker discusses the importance of persistence and
faith, using biblical references and parables to illustrate the
point. He emphasizes that persistence does not always mean
focusing on one specific goal but rather being open to different
Ask, and keep on asking, and it will be given to you.
Seek, and keep on seeking, and you will find.
Knock, and keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to
Persistence can be interpreted as looking at a series of doors
and knocking until one opens.
10. Letting Go and Moving On
The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing when to
let go and move on from situations that are no longer serving
you. He uses personal anecdotes and biblical stories to
illustrate the point.
There is a time to move on.
Obsession can be detrimental.
Self-respect is crucial in letting go.
11. Neutrality vs. Surrender
The speaker differentiates between neutrality and surrender,
explaining that surrender is an intentional action while neutrality
can lead to a lack of direction.
Neutrality is dangerous as it leads to a lack of intentionality.
Surrender is an intentional action.

12. Worry and Control
The speaker discusses the futility of worrying about things
beyond one’s control and emphasizes focusing on what can be
controlled and created.
Worrying does not change the outcome.
Focus on what you can create.
13. Parenting and Letting Go
The speaker shares personal experiences about parenting
adult children and the importance of letting them make their
own decisions while being supportive.
Parents should support their adult children without unsolicited
Children need to make their own decisions.
14. Opinions and Enjoying People
Disconnecting from having opinions about everybody allows
you to enjoy people more.
Disconnecting from opinions about others enhances
enjoyment of people.
15. Jeff and Trump Support
Jeff is probably a Trump supporter, and the speaker
acknowledges the reality of differing opinions.
Jeff is probably a Trump supporter.
The speaker acknowledges the reality of differing opinions.
16. Ministering with White Evangelicals
The speaker ministers with white evangelicals frequently,
indicating it is a common aspect of their life.
The speaker ministers with white evangelicals frequently.
17. Evening Plans with Hallie
The speaker and Hallie were contemplating their evening plans
when Jeff texted to meet up.
The speaker and Hallie were contemplating their evening
Jeff texted to meet up.

18. Meeting with Jeff and Howard
The speaker recounts a synchronistic meeting with Jeff and
Howard, emphasizing the importance of not micromanaging
situations and allowing the universe to work things out.
The speaker and Jeff met Howard in a quiet lounge.
The meeting was seen as a small miracle or synchronistic
The speaker emphasizes the importance of not micromanaging
19. Advice to Young Ministers
The speaker advises young ministers to focus more on their
energy and confidence rather than over-studying their material,
as the delivery and personal energy are crucial in ministering.
Young ministers often worry about their first sermon.
The speaker advises them not to overstudy.
Focus on how you feel about ministering more than the material.
20. Debate Analysis
The speaker analyzes a debate between Joe Biden and Donald
Trump, criticizing Biden’s approach and preparation. The
speaker suggests that Biden should have focused on appearing
more relaxed and energetic rather than overloading on facts
and figures.
Joe Biden debated Donald Trump.
Biden appeared tired and over-prepared with facts and figures.
Trump’s rapid-fire lies disoriented Biden.
21. Personal Well-being and Problem Solving
The speaker emphasizes the importance of personal
well-being in solving problems. By fixing one’s thinking and
demeanor, many problems will resolve themselves.
Fixing your thinking can fix your problems.
Negative demeanor and outlook can attract more negativity.
22. Political Debates and Life Challenges

The speaker uses the recent political debates as a metaphor to
discuss how life challenges us. He emphasizes the importance
of not approaching life with self-pity and victimization, as this
will lead to failure.
Life challenges us like a debate.
Approaching life with self-pity and victimization leads to failure.
23. Energy Management and Avoiding Negative Conversations
The speaker advises avoiding conversations and situations
that drain energy and do not lead to productive outcomes.
Avoid conversations that repeatedly end negatively.
Agree with adversaries quickly to manage time better.
24. Traffic Court Experience
The speaker shares a personal experience about a traffic
violation to illustrate the futility of trying to make a point when
the system does not allow for it.
The speaker was fined for turning right on red despite not
seeing the sign.
The court system did not allow for an explanation beyond guilty
or not guilty.
25. Importance of Feeling Good and Positive Attitude
The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a
positive attitude and feeling good about life, suggesting that
this can be as important as prayer.
Feeling good about life is crucial.
A positive attitude can influence circumstances.
26. Resilience and Strength
The speaker discusses the importance of resilience and not
being easily offended, suggesting that strength attracts positive
treatment from life.
Develop resilience and a high capacity for not being
Life treats you according to your strength.
27. General Advice on Life

The speaker concludes with general advice on staying
positive, proactive, and enjoying life despite problems.
Everyone has problems; it’s important to stay positive and
Enjoy every day and act strong.
Know when expression becomes counterproductive.
Learn to recognize when a piece is finished and avoid the
temptation to keep adding to it.
Diversify your efforts and don’t put all your hope in one
Seek therapy if needed to heal from past relationships.
Be intentional in your actions and decisions.
Shift your energy to what you can create.
Enjoy the parts of your adult children’s lives that you can and be
Keep things a little bit loose; good stuff will happen.
Concentrate on your energy and confidence rather than just the

METRON LIVE 6-23-24: THE ART OF BEING HAPPY: Daring To Live The Dream In The Real World.

METRON LIVE 6-23-24: THE ART OF BEING HAPPY: Daring To Live The Dream In The Real World.


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

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Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am –

Notes translated by AI

# The Pursuit of Happiness: Overcoming Stress and Embracing Positivity Through Community and Personal Resilience

`stress management` `positive mindset` `self-love`
### 1. The importance of recognizing small positive changes and maintaining a positive outlook in the pursuit of happiness and well-being.
🎧 The speaker discusses their preference for listening to podcasts over music to relax and fall asleep, as they find music too engaging.
😊 The speaker introduces the topic of the podcast: ‘The Art of Being Happy, Daring to Live the Dream in the Real World,’ and critiques the superficial pursuit of happiness in modern culture.
📖 The speaker references Psalm 126:1 to illustrate the concept of freedom and the difficulty of adjusting to it after long periods of captivity or hardship.
🕊 The speaker draws a parallel between the historical context of Juneteenth and the psychological impact of not knowing one is free, emphasizing the complexity of freedom.
💪 The speaker shares personal anecdotes about dealing with stress, health issues, and the emotional toll of life events, highlighting the importance of recognizing small improvements.
🩺 The speaker reflects on the impact of stress on health, citing personal experiences with chest pain, acid reflux, and other ailments that have improved over time.
✨ The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on positive changes and small miracles in life, rather than dwelling on negative experiences.
🔄 The speaker discusses the psychological impact of constantly focusing on negative events and the importance of shifting attention to positive developments.
🚀 The speaker encourages the audience to break free from old patterns of thinking and to become pioneers of their future by reacting differently to challenges.
🌱 The speaker shares a personal realization about the cumulative effect of small positive changes and how they can lead to a better overall quality of life.
🔄 The speaker discusses the concept of life being spherical rather than cyclical, suggesting that our reactions to events can either spiral us upward or downward.
🌟 The speaker reflects on the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and recognizing the benefits and improvements in life, even if they are small.
### 2. The importance of mindset and internal state in overcoming stress and finding joy.
🤔 Most of our suffering is self-inflicted, stemming from how we think about our problems rather than the problems themselves.
😊 Changing your internal state can lead to joy and gratitude without needing external validation.
👍 Feeling good is essential and not superficial; it can influence your circumstances positively.
🎶 Adopting a positive mindset can preordain good feelings and outcomes, as illustrated by James Brown’s song.
💪 Life’s challenges should be met with resilience and a proactive attitude rather than a victim mentality.
🔍 Chaos and randomness are often just patterns we haven’t recognized or deciphered yet.
🌍 Life is not fair, and expecting it to be so can lead to disappointment. Instead, focus on your response to life’s challenges.
⚠ Stress can be addictive due to the release of dopamine, making people crave the high from stressful situations.
😟 People can become so accustomed to stress that they feel uncomfortable when things are going well.
🎉 Relearning how to enjoy life and celebrate small victories is crucial for mental well-being.
🧒 Maintaining a youthful, carefree attitude can help mitigate the seriousness of life’s challenges.
🏖 Vacations and breaks are essential for resetting your mind and escaping daily stressors.
🧠 Taking responsibility for your own life and not blaming external factors like the devil is crucial for personal growth.
🎭 Drama and crisis can become a habitual way of life for some people, leading to a constant state of stress.
🔄 Learning to unplug and reboot your day can help break negative patterns and improve your mental state.
🌈 Staying in touch with the big picture and seeing life as happening for you, not to you, can help you find meaning in random events.
🏖 Training yourself to have fun and enjoy life again can help break the cycle of stress and negativity.
👹 Understanding that your thoughts are the real demons can help you take control of your mental state.
🎯 Maintaining focus and not getting easily distracted can improve your overall well-being.
🧘 Recognizing and breaking the addiction to stress can lead to a healthier, more balanced life.
### 3. Breaking the cycle of addiction to negativity and stress through proactive behavior, gratitude, and self-love.
🍬 The speaker discusses the biological basis of addiction, particularly focusing on how habits like consuming sugar can provide a sense of well-being similar to other addictive behaviors.
🎭 The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing addiction to negative behaviors and suggests forming support groups similar to Alcoholics Anonymous for those addicted to drama.
💪 The speaker highlights the role of stress hormones in providing strength and endurance during extraordinary conditions and how being proactive in such situations can reduce trauma.
👨 The speaker shares personal anecdotes about dealing with stress and loss, emphasizing the importance of being proactive and taking care of loved ones to manage stress hormones effectively.
🙏 The speaker discusses the concept of being helpers rather than absorbers of stress, drawing on religious teachings to support this idea.
🍽 The speaker criticizes the focus on religious commandments in schools and suggests practical solutions like lunch programs to address children’s needs.
🔄 The speaker advises breaking the cycle of introspection and negativity by getting involved in solutions, either for oneself or for others.
🙏 The speaker underscores the importance of gratitude, even in difficult times, as a way to shift focus and find positivity.
😊 The speaker warns against becoming addicted to the dopamine hits from crises and stresses the importance of intentionally seeking happiness.
📵 The speaker shares a personal preference for not sharing sad stories online to avoid seeking attention through negative means.
❤ The speaker encourages self-love and appreciation for one’s own life, suggesting that this mindset can lead to a more fulfilling existence.
🤝 The speaker highlights the importance of small acts of kindness and how they can change the energy and help others.
🌐 The speaker shares a story about organizing a ‘love network’ to help others, emphasizing the positive impact of such actions.
🌟 The speaker concludes by encouraging the audience to break free from negative addictions and create a new reality filled with peace and joy.
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+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am –

The Metron Live experience June 9th, 2024

The Metron Live experience June 9th, 2024


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

Watch the video on Facebook:   Here

Watch the video on Youtube :   Here

Follow Jim Swilley on Facebook to see the videos live Sundays at 11 am –