In The Now with Jim Swilley Featuring Bec Cranford

In The Now with Jim Swilley Featuring Bec Cranford


+Youtube – BishInTheNow

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Join us in person each Sunday at 195 Arizona Ave NE w1, Atlanta, GA 30307

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Jim is doing a rare sit down discussion today with Bec Cranford.

Bec is an author, artist, and advocate from Atlanta, Georgia floating in the mystical world of ecumenism and interfaith conversations. She offers spiritual direction to clergy, Christians, atheists, Jesus people, Buddhists, spiritual but not religious, shamans, witches, and those with spiritual trauma.

“Bec is an engaging, compassionate, and creative force for good. Her story-telling, real-life experience, humor, and authenticity create safe and welcoming space for transformation to happen. We were so fortunate to have her facilitate our faith community in a weekend together. I highly recommend Bec.” -Susan Rogers, Presbyterian Minister at The Well, Jacksonville

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