Month: January 2020



Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Today’s Notes:
I – “By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light…”
(Ephesians 1:18 – AMPC)

II – “I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can see something of the future he has called you to share…”
(Ephesians 1:18 – TLB)

III – “…that you may receive that inner illumination of the spirit…”
(Ephesians 1:18 – Phillips)

IV – “I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light…”
(Ephesians 1:18 – The Passion Translation)

V – “…the eyes of your heart (the insights and perceptions of the core of your being) having continued being enlightened (or: being progressively illuminated into a state of enlightenment)…”
(Ephesians 1:18 – JMNT)

VI – “What you want is already here, in the unified field of pure potential. Everything you need to fulfill your greatest desire is already part of your being. But it can’t come out until you align with it, let go of the obstructions to it, and raise your vibration to the level at which it already exists.” – Derek Rydall

VII – As a man is, so he sees. As the eye is formed, such are its powers. – William Blake

1-12-20 – OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART: Meditation and 20/20 Vision for 2020, Part II

1-12-20 – OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART: Meditation and 20/20 Vision for 2020, Part II

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

Today’s Notes:
I – “Indeed, I am now saying (or: I am truly saying now) that whoever may say to this mountain (or: in this mountain), ‘Be picked up, and be cast (thrown) into the midst of the sea,’ and may not be undecided or be divided in his discernment or judgment within his heart, but to the contrary, can (or: may; would) continuously trust and believe with confidence that what he is speaking is progressively occurring (or: birthing itself; coming into existence), it will proceed being [thus] for him (or: by him; to him; in him; with him).”
(Mark 11:23 – JMNT)

II – In the micro-world of atoms and particles that is governed by the strange rules of quantum mechanics, two different observers are entitled to their own facts…in other words, according to the best theories of the building blocks of nature itself, facts can actually be subjective…multiple realities can and do co-exist…reality manifests (or realities manifest) in the Multiverse…the glass is simultaneously half-full AND half-empty…the phrase in Genesis in the original Hebrew isn’t “In THE beginning, God created…”, it’s actually “In A beginning, God created…”…Moses sends 12 men to spy out the land of Canaan, and 10 of them come back with a completely different story than that of Joshua and Caleb, and yet they are all telling the truth about what they saw there…on the Day of Pentecost, Peter stands up and sternly rebukes his audience for murdering an innocent man, and in the very same breath says that the crucifixion happened according to God’s plan…the worst thing that ever happened to you can be the best thing that ever happened to you…

Multi-dimensional reality is an important part of ancient wisdom…Jesus spoke of the manifestation of a 30fold, 60fold, and 100fold return of the same seed that the sower sowed…Paul talked about the “good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God” being the proof of the renewed mind…the Tree of Life has infinitely more branches than does the limited, binary choices offered by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil…

Observers are powerful players in the quantum world, and this goes deeper than just the “perception is reality” piece…perception is undoubtedly important, but the reality is that “reality is reality”…according to a certain theory in quantum physics, particles can be in several places or states at once…this theory is called a superposition…oddly, this is only the case when the particles aren’t observed, however…the second you observe a quantum system, it picks a specific location or state, which breaks the “superposition”…the fact that nature behaves this way has been proven multiple times in the lab, as the subatomic world is studied…”if any 2 or 3 of you agree as touching anything” simply means “if any 2 or 3 of you see and agree on the existence of the same reality”…
Keep turning the dial until you find your right reality today…everything is everything…let him/her who has an ear, hear…
―Jim Swilley

III – “Being present is being connected to All Things.” ― S. Kelley Harrell

IV – “Imagine you’re a fish, swimming in a pond. You can move forward and back, side to side, but never up out of the water. If someone were standing beside the pond, watching you, you’d have no idea they were there. To you, that little pond is an entire universe. Now imagine that someone reaches down and lifts you out of the pond. You see that what you thought was the entire world is only a small pool. You see other ponds. Trees. The sky above. You realize you’re a part of a much larger and more mysterious reality than you had ever dreamed of.” ― Blake Crouch

1-05-20 – Part I – OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART: Meditation and 20/20 Vision for 2020

1-05-20 – Part I – OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART: Meditation and 20/20 Vision for 2020

Bishop Jim’s insightful messages help others find THEIR METRON through M~otivation E~nlightenment T~ranscendence R~enewal O~utreach and N~etworking

1-5-20 – OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART: Meditation and 20/20 Vision for 2020, Part I

Today’s Notes:
I – “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. I was attending a service this past weekend, where I was challenged to list the top ten happenings that occurred in my life in 2019. As I began the process of pondering, second on my list was that we chose to get involved with Metron’s Meditation weekends. One after the other, we were pulled into a positive energy vortex in which we have no regrets. It is with high expectation and resolve that I begin year 2020, living in the now, looking forward to connecting with the optimistic people of Metron. As I was writing this, I was thinking what a Wonderful World I live in and as synchronicity would have it, from my TV Louis Armstrong begins to sing What a Wonderful World. Jim, Ken and Metron family, we thank you for allowing us to do life with you.”
– John W Brock

II – “I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, will give you spiritual wisdom and revelation in your growing knowledge of him, — since the EYES OF YOUR HEART HAVE BEEN ENLIGHTENED…”
(Ephesians 1:17, 18 – NET)

III – “The fact is, inner peace isn’t something that comes when you finally paint the whole house a nice shade of cream and start drinking herbal tea. Inner peace is something that is shaped by the wisdom that ‘this too shall pass’ and is fired in the kiln of self-knowledge…” ― Tania Ahsan

IV – “Relax…
Relax right where you are…relax, right in the middle of the chaos…relax right now, no matter what is happening around you…relax, in spite of anything you’ve just heard…relax, regardless of anything you’re dreading…relax and take back your power, because you are the master of your own emotions…there is great strength in learning to relax your mind and your spirit, and in refusing to be motivated by stress and anxiety…William Burroughs said, “Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.”…it’s absolutely true…you already know deep inside what you need to do, you just have to settle down and listen to your Highest Self, and believe your own truth…
Peace is a decision…peace is a state of mind…and peace is possible, right now, right where you are…stop blaming yourself, or shaming yourself, for whatever you think you did that is causing all the feelings of being unsettled…exhale all the negative, and inhale the positive…
…and relax…
If you got ahead of your skis and made grandiose public declarations about what you’re going to do and be in the new year, and now you’re already feeling stressed about how you’re going to do and be all that, just take a deep breath and let it go…you can still accomplish great things this year without stressing yourself out about the specifics and the details…you can still hold yourself accountable without painting yourself in a corner, and making yourself unnecessarily miserable by your own well-intentioned words of faith…you can still speak amazing things into existence without being legalistic about it…
It’s all good…just relax, and let it unfold however it’s going to unfold…
Find the balance between being a creator and a control freak…the sweet spot is somewhere there in the middle…
Intention with detachment is the more excellent way…
– Jim Swilley

12-29-19 – ‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE!: Freeing Yourself from the Ghost of Christmas Past to Follow Your Star into Your Future’, Part IV

12-29-19 – ‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE!: Freeing Yourself from the Ghost of Christmas Past to Follow Your Star into Your Future’, Part IV

12-29-19 – ‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE!: Freeing Yourself from the Ghost of Christmas Past to Follow Your Star into Your Future’, Part IV

Today’s Notes:
I – “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.”
(Isaiah 43:18, 19 – The Message)

II – ”Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas.”
– Charles Kettering

III – ”You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
– C.S. Lewis

IV – ”It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
– George Eliot

V – ”Life is changing. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.”
– Karen Kaiser Clark

VI – ”The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
– Socrates

VII – Prophetic word from Doug Wentz
2020 prophecy and the sign of Bishop Jim Swilley
Due to YouTube limitations on the length of the description, this is the beginning of the prophecy. For the full prophetic word, link here:…

I honor the passing of Reinhard Bonnke. Ten years ago this month another great general of the faith passed on, Oral Roberts. Reinhard Bonnke passing marks “the surprising power” of oppressed peoples taking their equality. The power of partial revelation passes away that greater clarity and 20/20 vision will come.

It will be a time of spiritual opposites…instead of the oppressed dying away the “spirit” and disposition of the oppressors will die away. Equilibrium will bring up all marginalized peoples, but I will use Oral Roberts’s son to stand in proxy as an example.

Oral Roberts son Ronnie was gay, as is his grandson Randy. Oral Roberts and the culture he cultivated, dehumanized the gay community to the point where Ronnie committed suicide, and Randy almost did as well. I prophesy that the passing of Reinhard Bonnke is a sign and a wonder that the oppressed will rise up and take their place of equality and it won’t be through militancy but it will be due to the anointing shining through the eyes and it will be exactly as when the soldiers came for Jesus and he said “I AM he” and they fell back.

The powerful spiritual army that is being raised up through Bishop Jim Swilley and his meditation weekends are the beginning of things to come, things that will change the world’s understanding of reality and orientation and equality and what it means to be “of God.” ~excerpt, 2020 Prophetic Word by Doug Wentz

Find the full transcript here: